It has been conveyed for a long time that Monk Kobo-daishi had begun the Yama noKannon hallowed compounds of Koyasu Kannnonji Temple.
According to the Yuraiki journal, Monk Kobo-daishi climbed a mountain deeply in autumn 807, and discovered a fall near the top of mountain, and then he started Takigyo(training at the fall) there in the way of esoteric Buddhism.
Having continued it with 7 sleepless days, at night before dawn on the day of Joman( the last day of the training), he was hit by strange inspiration. In the fantasy where he could not even know whether he was in dream or in a reality, he saw a shape of Juichimen Kanzeon bosatsu Bodhisattva with a chink of light and listened to the message with a voice of Bodhisattva," Public is filled with peoplesuffering from disease. Save them with this method of mystery."
Monk Kobo-daishi has sculptured an image of Juichimen Kanzeon Bosatsu Bodhisattva, and left here with the image after having given the method of mystery for rout of disease. After that, he built a temple as a special ashram against disease tied down, and enshrined Juichimen Kanzeon Bosatsu Bodhisattva as a honzon of the Hibutsu Buddha image, since then the falls were named "Goraigo no Taki Falls".
From then on, many people have visited this fall to train and now it is one of the famous places for training. |
Owner of the mountain: Keikoh |